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14 views • December 9, 2020

(字幕版)「經濟戰爭室」選舉舞弊真相峰會:有一個共同的說法,時間已經不夠用了,下周選舉團開會,即使有舞弊行為,是否有時間立案、聽證,得到有利的結果?| #大紀元新聞網

2020 12 08 EveryLegalVote新聞發佈會 川普競選團隊律師 Joseph diGenova My Second question is, there's a common statement that time has run out. Next week the electoral college meets, even if there were fraud, Is there time to make the case, get hearing and get a favorable outcome? 我的第二個問題是,有一個共同的說法,時間已經不夠用了,下周選舉團開會,即使有舞弊行為,是否有時間立案,聽證,得到有利的結果? Yes, there is time. Those dates are not set in constitutional stone, they are in statutory stone. But they can be bent, they can be bent, because if the Supreme Court were to find that there was fraud, that there were illegal ballots, that states violated their own constitutions, allowing mail-in ballots. And if this court were to nullify those votes, it could take enough time to have oral argument in those matters, and could issue an order saying that the electoral college would be postponed for a week or so. And there's nothing in the constitution that would prevent them from doing that, because the dates for the electoral college are not in the Constitution. 有時間的。這些日期不是刻在憲法之石上的,它們是法令規定。但是,它們可以調整,它們能夠調整,因為如果最高法院發現有欺詐,有非法選票,有州違反了自己的憲法,允許郵寄投票,如果這個法庭要使這些選票無效,可以花費足夠的時間就這些事項進行口頭辯論,並可以發佈命令,規定選舉團將推遲一周左右。憲法中沒有什麼能阻止他們這樣做的, 因為選舉團的日期不在憲法中。 Great. So I'm going to ask a third question just because of the timing of when we're filming and and what you just shared about Justice Alito. Third third question is, let's go with the concept that Alito has ruled. And I'll just ask you, okay, so Justice Alito put out a ruling. And and obviously, we have to dig into it and it takes time to look into what's in the ruling. But is this what you were targeting? Is this what you were going for? 第三個問題是,讓我們跟隨阿利托的概念。我問你,阿利托法官做出了裁決。顯然,我們必須深入探討它,需要時間來研究裁決中是什麼。但這就是你的目標嗎?這就是你所要達到的嗎? Absolutely. Inevitably, it was very difficult to get state legislators to move because they don't have the courage. There are very few profiles and courage in state legislatures, Republican or Democrat. But we do have some profiles and courage on the Supreme Court, five great conservative justices. And Alito has been among the most stellar of them. And he has indicated very clearly that he was dissatisfied with what how things were proceeding in Pennsylvania. 絕對是的。不可避免地,很難讓州立法委員採取行動,因為他們沒有勇氣。在州議會中,很少有這樣的人物和勇氣的,無論是共和黨或是民主黨。但我們在最高法院,確實有如此的形象和勇氣,五位偉大的保守派大法官。阿利托是其中最出色的人之一,他非常清楚地表明,他對賓夕法尼亞州過去發生的事情感到不滿。 #經濟戰爭室 #選劇舞弊真相峰會 #聽證 - 支持「大紀元」讓全世界看到正義: 💠 爆料平台:+1 (201) 614-3989 ; --- 如果您身在中國,能獲取第一手真實資訊,卻又無法自由表達心聲,大紀元為您提供快速及時的傳播窗口,將您看到、聽到的最新情況、百姓心聲與訴求以影片、照片、文字的形式發表在國際媒體,讓全球了解真相,並給予全力的支持與幫助! - 立即訂閱支持「大紀元新聞網」👉 按下「小鈴鐺 」實時收看國內外最新時事直播:) - 電子報: Telegram: 推特: 大紀元時報: 中國新聞推特: 大紀元臉書: IG: - 直播平台 : 大紀元新聞網: 大紀元臉書直播: - 大紀元YouTube頻道: 環球新聞: 中國禁聞: 美國思想領袖: 大紀元新聞網: - 購買大紀元紀念品: 防疫產品推薦: © All Rights Reserved.
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